Category Archive : Blockchain

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain Technology – What Is It and Blockchain’s Practical Applications

Blockchain applications extend far beyond monetary systems like bitcoin. Technology is affecting many fields, from the enforcement of contracts to the effectiveness of government operations, thanks to its ability to increase transparency and fairness while saving businesses time and money.

What is Blockchain?

Blockchain is a series of blocks containing data that are linked together. Each Blockchain block is associated with a 256-bit hash number and a 32-bit nonce. A cryptographic hash function connects these blocks in a chain, verifying the network’s integrity. When all three are in place, blockchain security is guaranteed.

Key Elements of a Blockchain Technology

Distributed Ledger Technology

Each network member can view the distributed ledger and its immutable record of transactions. With this shared ledger, transactions only need to be recorded once. This eliminates the need to do the same work twice, which is typical of most business networks.

Immutable Records

After a successful transaction record placement on the shared ledger, no participant can change or tamper with it. Correcting the mistake requires a new transaction record placement if any error occurs to the already added transaction. After that, both transactions are visible.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are predetermined rules recorded on the Blockchain and carried out mechanically to expedite transactions. A smart contract can define conditions for corporate bond transfers, including terms for paying travel insurance and much more.

Types of Blockchain Networks

Public Blockchain Networks: Blockchain networks that anyone can join and contribute to are known as public blockchains and include cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

Private Blockchain Networks: Private blockchain networks are peer-to-peer systems that operate similarly to public blockchains but are not open to the public. But a central authority oversees the operation of the network, decides who gets to use the consensus protocol, and keeps the distributed ledger updated.

Permissioned Blockchain Networks: Most companies that launch their Blockchain do so by creating a permissioned blockchain network. Remember that public blockchains can also be permissioned networks. This limits the types of users and transactions that can take place on the network.

Consortium Blockchains: A consortium blockchain is an optimal solution when all participants in a business transaction need permission and share responsibility for the Blockchain.

Popular Uses for Blockchain Technology

Blockchain for Financial Transactions

The use of cryptocurrency transfer apps is currently experiencing explosive growth. Blockchain is gaining traction in the financial sector due to the time and money it can save banks and other financial institutions of all sizes.

Blockchain technology can help the world’s largest banks save significant amounts of money by doing away with unnecessary red tape, making ledger systems real-time, and cutting down on third-party fees. Organizations like these leverage blockchain technology to swiftly move capital.

International Payments

Blockchain technology allows for the efficient and unalterable recording of transactions that previously would not have been possible. Therefore, it is highly suitable for cross-border transactions such as wire transfers and monetary payments.

For instance, in April 2018, Banco Santander introduced the first-ever money transfer service that utilized blockchain technology. The service, dubbed “Santander One Pay FX,” uses Ripple’s xCurrent to facilitate instantaneous and next-day cross-border wire transfers.

Santander has moved it all to the Blockchain to streamline and automate the process. This eliminates the need for the multiple parties that are usually involved in such deals.

Santander, a major commercial bank, serves a large retail clientele that could greatly benefit from improved payment options, especially regarding international wire transfers. As blockchain technology eliminates the need for banks to settle transactions manually, the associated fees for such transfers can be significantly reduced.

Financial Exchanges

Over the past few years, many new companies have emerged to serve as decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges. The use of blockchain technology for trading can drastically reduce transaction times and costs. Further, investors in a decentralized exchange have more control and security over their assets because they are not required to deposit them with the central authority. While the primary focus of blockchain-based exchanges is cryptocurrency trading, the underlying concept can also be applied to more conventional investment vehicles.

Bitcoin Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are similar to traditional contracts, except that the contract rules are enforced in real-time on a blockchain, cutting out the middleman and adding a new layer of accountability for all parties. In addition to ensuring everyone complies, this also saves money and time for businesses.

As industries like government, healthcare, and real estate realize the benefits of blockchain-based contracts, their use is expanding.

Blockchain Applications in Lending

Smart contracts on web3 marketplace development can help lenders carry out the processing of collateralized loans. The Blockchain’s smart contracts make it possible to automate processes like receiving service payments, a margin call, paying off a loan in full, and having collateral released. Because of this, lenders can offer more competitive interest rates and process loans more quickly.

Read more: The Blockchain, Crypto, NFTs And Online Casinos

Blockchain Applications in Healthcare

When applied to smart contracts, blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry. With the help of these smart contacts, an agreement can be reached directly between the involved parties, bypassing the need for a third party to mediate the process. When the contract terms are met, all parties to the contract are aware of and bound by its terms, and the contract is automatically put into effect. This can revolutionize healthcare by making it possible to securely share sensitive patient data with only authorized doctors and hospitals. They also aid in maintaining compliance with the HIPAA Privacy Rule, which guarantees that patient data is kept private and out of the hands of unauthorized parties.

Trade Finance

Traditional approaches to trade financing have been incredibly inconvenient for businesses due to the time and effort required to complete these processes. A large amount of information, including country of origin and product details, must be communicated during cross-border trade, and a great deal of paperwork is produced as a result of the transactions.

If implemented, blockchain technology has the potential to greatly improve the efficiency and ease of international trade financing transactions. Companies can conduct business with one another regardless of distance or location.

Application In Copyright Protection

Startups everywhere are embracing blockchain technology to protect their customers’ intellectual property. Customers can prevent the unauthorized use of their art by registering it on the platform. If there is a violation, the owners can use the platform-issued certificate to seek legal redress.

Blockai and Copyrobo, for instance, use Blockchain and AI to assist artists in instantly protecting their work online. To prove ownership, they can generate a timestamp or fingerprints on the Blockchain and receive a copyright certificate. These services help prevent copyright infringement and promote licensing.

Bernstein Technologies GmbH and others use Blockchain to assist businesses throughout the innovation lifecycle. Inventions, designs, and evidence of use can all be registered in the system by respective businesses. As a result, a paper trail is generated on the Bitcoin blockchain. Using Blockchain, businesses can protect confidential information such as trade secrets and other notarized data.

Online Identity Verification

Without online verification and identification, no online financial transactions can be completed. This is also true for any banking or financial service providers a user may employ. However, Blockchain has the potential to centralize the online identity verification process, meaning that users will only need to verify their identity once via Blockchain and then can use that identity with whichever service provider they choose. Identity verification methods, such as user authentication, facial recognition, etc., are customizable by users.

Blockchain in Real Estate

There is a mountain of paperwork involved in any real estate transaction, all of which must be completed before the new owners can receive their deeds and titles. The use of blockchain technology to keep track of property deals could make verifying and transferring ownership easier and more transparent. This can reduce time and resources spent on paperwork while simultaneously accelerating business deals.

Blockchain in Voting

Let’s look at the voting procedure as it stands right now. The process begins with the voter submitting their ID for verification, followed by the voter submitting their vote via the central Electronic Voting Machine (EVM). However, a centralized system makes it simple to hack the EVM and alter the tally. However, this weakness may be eliminated and honest elections guaranteed with the help of a decentralized system enabled by blockchain technology.

Let’s look at how Blockchain could improve the voting process.

To cast their ballot, voters must install a voting app on their mobile devices. The next step is for the user to submit their voter identification card. After the user’s identity has been confirmed, they will be given the green light to cast their vote without having to reveal their true identity. Once a vote has been recorded in the Blockchain, it cannot be removed. Officials can reliably tally votes because each ID represents a single vote. On top of that, blockchain technology allows voters to keep tabs on their ballots.

Using Blockchain in the voting process has the potential to provide full transparency by doing away with the need for third-party systems, but this is still a work in progress.

IoT Monitoring

With the help of IoT sensors, which Blockchain makes possible, businesses can digitally catalog their possessions and provide a clear audit trail. Items’ locations and states can be determined through digitization. Blockchain can store, manage, protect, and transfer this data.

Read more: What is the Top Blockchain for Smart Contracts? How To Use Them:

Retail Fashion and Luxury

The luxury goods and retail clothing industry adapt quickly to shifting consumer preferences. By enhancing data management tools, boosting supply chain operations, and decreasing the risk of counterfeit and grey markets, Blockchain has the potential to address long-standing industry challenges.

Money Laundering Protection

Blockchain’s built-in encryption is a huge boon in the fight against money laundering. Records management is made possible by this underlying technology, which in turn facilitates the “Know Your Customer” (KYC) procedure by which a company confirms the identity of its customers.

Blockchain in Metaverse

Metaverse’s mission is to provide a blockchain environment that is robust yet easy for users to navigate. 

The Metaverse digital asset system allows users to create and distribute unique digital assets. These assets can represent value, from stocks and bonds to loyalty points.

Smart contracts are computer programs that can be used to automate the management of digital asset transfers on the Metaverse blockchain.

Cryptocurrency can work well in the metaverse because it paves the way for developing a digital economy based on various utility tokens and NFTs. Using NFTs, you can access a wide range of digital assets, such as virtual homes and businesses, avatar clothing, digital artwork, and more. NFT will protect your digital assets from theft and tampering.

Tokens that can never be replaced can be bought, sold, and invested like traditional currencies, but users are not required to pay. It is possible to develop and improve a virtual reality with the help of web3 event app development that is indistinguishable from the real thing. However, widespread adoption of a meta universe blockchain capable of ensuring the integrity of its data and the legitimacy of the coin that supports it is required.

Blockchain Technology’s Downsides

Please note the following restrictions:

  • Fail to adopt
  • For example, if a payment schedule needs to be adjusted, it will be impossible to make the necessary changes.
  • The loss of one’s private key, which in the case of cryptocurrencies, could mean the loss of one’s data or funds due to carelessness.
  • Upgrades and development can be slowed by developmental delays, sharp differences, and the back-and-forth communications required to reach a consensus.
  • The issue of double spending


Blockchain is a new technology that has yet to be used by all sectors, but it’s gaining traction quickly. With wider adoption, Blockchain has the potential to promote transparency and ethical business practices by democratizing access to data. More and more industries are finding uses for Blockchain because of its many benefits, including cheaper and more efficient transactions, greater transparency, and increased security. Blockchain could have far-reaching effects in the years to come.

Check out: Impact of Blockchain Technology On Financial Sector

Blockchain Technology On Financial Sector

Impact of Blockchain Technology On Financial Sector

The world is always changing, so it’s important to keep up. People and businesses that want to keep up with changes need to pay attention to evolutions. In the modern world, technology is making long-standing ways of doing things better.

Finance is just one field that is making big progress with the help of technology. To keep up with the times, it is done one step at a time. The use of a digital ledger, automated software, and the blockchain is a good example of an integrated fintech approach.

Let’s find out more about how blockchain can really change the future of money. But wait, you need to know what blockchain is first, don’t you? Yes, you do, so here you go…

What is Blockchain?

The world is always changing, so it is important to keep up. To keep up with changes, people and businesses need to pay attention to evolutions. In the modern world, technology is making ways of doing things that have been around for a long time better.

With the help of technology, finance is just one field that is making a lot of progress. It is done one step at a time to keep up with the times. A good example of an integrated fintech approach is the use of a digital ledger, automated software, and the blockchain.

Let’s learn more about how blockchain could really change the way money is used in the future. But first, don’t you need to know what blockchain is? Yes, you do, so here you go…

What are the Financial Benefits of Blockchain?

The Ethereum blockchain enables more open, inclusive, and secure business networks, shared operating models, more efficient processes, lower costs, and the introduction of Blockchain Technology In Finance. It enables the issuance of digital securities in shorter time frames, at lower unit costs, and with greater levels of customization.

Thus, digital financial instruments can be tailored to investor preferences, thereby expanding the market for investors, reducing costs for issuers, and minimizing counterparty risk.

Over the past five years, the technology has matured to the point where it is suitable for enterprise use, demonstrating the following advantages:

Its distributed consensus-based architecture gets rid of single points of failure and reduces the need for middlemen like transfer agents, messaging system operators, and inefficient monopolistic utilities.

Also, Ethereum makes it possible to create secure application code that can’t be changed by fraudsters or bad third parties. This makes it almost impossible to hack or change.

It uses mutually agreed-upon standards, protocols, and shared processes to act as a single source of truth for everyone in the network.

It’s easy for people in a business network to work together, manage data, and come to agreements because the ledger is open and can’t be changed.

Programmability: It makes it possible to make and run smart contracts, which are software programmes that can’t be changed and automate business logic. This increases trust and productivity.

It offers the best tools on the market for granular data privacy at every level of the software stack, making it possible for enterprise networks to share data selectively. This makes things much more open, trustworthy, and efficient while still keeping things private and secret.

Its private and hybrid networks are made to be able to handle hundreds of transactions per second and occasional traffic spikes.

Scalability: It enables interoperability between private and public chains, providing each enterprise solution with the global reach, tremendous resiliency, and high integrity of the mainnet.

Learn more: Making sense of bitcoin, blockchain, and cryptocurrency in detail

What is the Digitalization role of financial instrument digitization?

By creating previously unheard-of levels of connectivity and programmability between goods, services, assets, and holdings, the digitization of financial instruments—which includes digital assets, smart contracts, and programmable money—expands the advantages of blockchain technology. These digitally enhanced tools will transform how the commercial and financial markets operate, bringing value to every interaction.

The advantages of using digital financial instruments for business include:

Authenticity and scarcity: Digitization allows for the provenance of assets and the full history of transactions, all from a single shared source of truth.

Programmability: The assets themselves may contain code that manages governance, compliance, data privacy, identity (KYC/AML attributes), system incentives, and stakeholder participation (for voting and other rights).

Process simplification: Greater automation boosts overall operational effectiveness. As a result, processing times, the chance of error and delay, and the number of steps and intermediaries needed to achieve the same levels of confidence in traditional processes are all reduced. It also enables real-time settlement, audit, and reporting.

Economic benefits include decreased infrastructure costs, operating costs, and transaction costs as a result of automated, more efficient processes.

Market responsiveness: Digital securities can be issued more quickly and with more customization than standardized securities. The demand of investors can be directly matched by issuers to create customized digital financial instruments.

How does blockchain affect the markets for capital?

Capital markets connect companies that need money with investors who are willing to take on the same amount of risk and earn the same amount of money. No matter if the issuers are entrepreneurs, small businesses, or big companies, it can be hard to raise money. Firms have to deal with more and more strict rules, longer time to market, fluctuating interest rates, and liquidity risk.

They have to deal with the lack of strict monitoring, clear rules, and enough market infrastructure for issuing, settling, clearing, and trading, especially in emerging markets. Blockchain has many advantages for a number of capital market uses:

By spreading out utilities, there is no longer a single point of failure.

Getting things done on the capital market streamlining procedures, cutting costs, and cutting down on settlement times

Digitization of processes and workflows reduces operational risks of fraud, human error, and overall counterparty risk.

Assets and financial instruments can be turned into digital files or tokens, which makes them easier to manage and trade and makes it possible to write programmes for them. In token form, they can get into more markets because they can connect to more people and their ownership can be split up. This leads to more cash on hand and a lower cost of capital.

One Last Thing

We have seen that blockchain technology can make a big difference in the banking industry, with benefits like lower transaction costs, better data verification, faster transaction processing, etc.If you want your bank to use blockchain’s real power, talk to experts and get reliable blockchain development company that can help your business more than ever.

Check out: What is the Top Blockchain for Smart Contracts? – How To Use Them:

Crypto, NFTs And Online Casinos

The Blockchain, Crypto, NFTs And Online Casinos

The blockchain is helping to revolutionize many different industries and over the next decade it will transform the way business is conducted. Web 3.0 and the metaverse is upon us and now the infrastructure is being built to create the economy of the 21st century. In this article, I will talk about how the blockchain, crypto and NFTs are transforming the way gambling is carried out online.

This year has seen the rise of the first crypto casinos to use NFTs. The leading platform BC Game has launched a new NFT section to its state of the art casino. Users who obtain NFTs gain extra rewards such as higher bonuses and other benefits that are exclusive to those who hold an NFT. Currently there is a BC Game shitcode that offers users between $1 to $3 usd in crypto with no deposit requirements.

Why Blockchain Casinos Are Better

Online gambling transactions may be tracked using a public, distributed ledger in the blockchain technology. It is most typically used for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. All transactions are recorded in a public ledger on the blockchain automatically and securely. With a distributed network of computers, cryptocurrencies do not need a central authority to function.

Among the advantages of blockchain are:

  • Reduction in the possibility of fraud
  • Transaction and processing costs are lower.
  • Enhanced security and privacy
  • Speed and efficiency have been improved.
  • Transparency from beginning to conclusion

As casino game design evolves, blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies will be a key part of it. Online gambling has already been transformed, and we’re starting to see similar advancements in video games, too with the rise of Play-to-Earn gaming.

What Exactly Are NFTs, and How Do They Work

An object’s license may be traced back to a specific person via non-fungible tokens, (NFTs). As a result, digital objects like photographs, music, and movies cannot be copied because the owner’s data is stored in a blockchain, which is an immutable data ledger that proves ultimate ownership.

NFTs are like cryptocurrencies as they are only accessible as digital assets, which may take the form of a variety of NFTs, such as digital art, gaming skins, memes, and other things.

For Online Gambling, How May NFTs Be Used?

NFTs are being used as VIP tickets by several online casinos as part of their loyalty programs. As a result, you might have access to exclusive casino gaming lobbies, as well as exclusive awards and functionalities. NFT slot machines and NFT loot boxes have even been predicted to represent the future of casino gambling.

Online Casinos’ New Metaverse Orientation

Final Thoughts

Many sectors will be transformed by NFTs, including online gambling, in the near future. In the last several years, they’ve evolved from social media avatars to actual applications on the internet.

When it comes to online casino real money gaming, I’ve focused on the particular effects of NFTs on both operators and players. With NFT, the interests of players and operators may be aligned in the world of online casinos.


Ethanim’s metaverse blockchain infrastructure launch event in Tokyo Japan

Since the release of the whitepaper in December 2020, Ethanim will formally hold a launch event in Tokyo, Japan on February 8 to exhibit Ethanim’s design idea, technical architecture, and ecosystem development strategy in depth. Many Japanese specialists from the game, animation, and blockchain industries, as well as financial organizations, will be invited to attend the event.

Ethanim's metaverse blockchain infrastructure launch

The launch event will focus on the decentralized application of metaverse, introducing new innovations to the metaverse industry through blockchain’s trusted computing technology.

As blockchain technology advances, new applications emerge in a variety of forms. NFTs provide a unique valuation for digital artworks, resulting in verified ownership. This significant development permits value confirmation and network transmission. The main Metaverse gradually emerges.

The Real Metaverse, on the other hand, demands complete decentralization in Metaverse-related apps, which are now represented by traditional blockchain games. Given their inability to conduct intricate calculations required by massive gaming apps, these games are really implemented on a centralized server, with just tokens and NFTs distributed on the blockchain. The apps, on the other hand, govern the distribution of these tokens and NFTs. In such circumstances, gamers may suffer significant asset losses or be deprived of all assets, as game producers have the ability to change rules at their whim, or even disappear from public view when games are shut down.

Ethanim's metaverse blockchain infrastructure launch 1

Trusted Computing as Framework

Ethanim, which was created exclusively for Metaverse apps, presents a completely new concept that is highlighted by a self-developed blockchain. Nodes attain consensus in nearly no time when powered by this decade-old trusted computing method, independent of node quantity, processing complexity, or other factors. This structure not only enables for the concurrent deployment and operation of multiple decentralized huge apps, but it also encourages large-scale concurrent users on a single decentralized app. TPS is no longer the blockchain’s Achilles’ heel.

Ethanim's metaverse blockchain infrastructure launch 2

Furthermore, using the snapshot replication technique, Ethanim distributes data exactly as it appears at a given point in time. Any member of the community can restore apps to any state at any time, even if developers change app rules or even supersede apps. In the guise of DAO, Ethanim adds immortality to the Metaverse, ensuring that user activity data, digital assets, and virtual identities are never lost.

Multi-dimensional Exchange of Operations and Assets

With its total decentralization philosophy, Ethanim inspires a slew of new ideas. Novel versions of Metaverse game apps continue to emerge now that users have the ability to customize them as they see fit. Where assets are compatible, virtual avatars can migrate between versions. In the updated edition, for example, additional skills such as diving and flying can be added to a walking avatar.

On various apps, NFTs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each with its own set of functionalities. A gaming avatar, for example, may either appear as a profile photo or be sold as a commodity.

Initially, the Ethanim system was developed, updated, and governed by the Ethanim Foundation, an independent non-profit organization. As the cause advances, power will be increasingly devolved to community levels, with the ultimate goal of joint governance by all community members.

Since the mid-1900s human society has been ushering in the first stage of digital civilization, characterized by computers and the internet. Then from the last half-century, digital society has progressed toward a higher existence — the Metaverse.

More about Ethanim:






Blockchain for Smart Contracts

What is the Top Blockchain for Smart Contracts? – How To Use Them:

Blockchain is a kind of disbursed ledger generation that processes transactions with the use of cryptographic signatures and stocks copies of the ledger on a peer-to-peer community of nodes (computers). Before a transaction is delivered to the blockchain, it should be accredited through the bulk of the nodes. Transactions are blended into blocks that are saved so as and related through hashes. This is what makes blockchain a disruptive generation, as it can securely shop statistics without the want for a critical authority.

A smart agreement is a self-executing pc application that makes use of blockchain to shop the agreement’s phrases. Whenever the conditions embedded in the contract are met, the system executes itself. It also efficiently removing intermediaries. Moreover, with clever contracts in place, transaction fees are appreciably decreased, whilst the transaction velocity is dramatically increased.

Since the arrival of this generation, businesses have been constantly exploring clever agreement programs and their capability for constructing Dapps (decentralized programs). From alternate finance to coverage to construction, clever contracts can streamline operations in lots of industries that depend upon contractual relationships.

While firms typically opt to test with new technology in pilot initiatives released from scratch, it’s extra sensible to click here for the best blockchain app development services systems that assist clever contracts. The companies of those systems charge charges primarily based totally on the quantity of strength required for executing deployed clever contracts.

These are the most famous clever agreement systems we’re going to speak about together with their professionals and cons.

  • Ethereum:

Ethereum is the world’s first clever agreement platform, which stays the maximum famous preference amongst builders to this day. The platform went live in 2015 and now helps the deployment of programs starting from ICOs to clever-agreement-primarily based total coverage.

Interestingly enough, the founding father of the platform, Vitalik Buterin, was determined to create Ethereum due to the fact Bitcoin builders rejected Vitalik’s concept of introducing utility improvement skills to the platform. Given Ethereum’s first mover advantage, the platform has managed to draw vast investments and benefit traction amongst famous firms, which includes Intel and Samsung.

The maximum obvious benefits of Ethereum’s clever agreement platform are standardization, protection, and assistance. With eloquently written rules, described improvement guidelines, and its coding language referred to as Solidity, deploying clever contracts and Dapps at the platform has demonstrated to be relatively easy. Ethereum is likewise advanced to another clever agreement platform in phrases of developer depend (~200,000), making its improvement network one of the most flourishing and responsive.

Due to the sizable developer dependence of Ethereum, the concept of manually performing an audit of each clever agreement at the platform is now no longer feasible. In personal cases, businesses flip to clever agreement specialists like Itransition to make certain this system is stable and plays as intended. Additionally, with the proliferation of AI and deep learning, new revolutionary answers for self-sufficient audits have emerged.

Paradoxically, the utter recognition of Ethereum is each its electricity and weakness. The Ethereum founders underestimated the increased capability of the platform, which brought about scalability issues. The platform has been notoriously tormented by community overload, regularly walking at 100% capacity. This, in flip, causes sluggish transaction velocity and extraordinarily excessive transaction processing charges (so-referred to as fuel line charges).

Many specialists additionally painted Ethereum as a doubtlessly insecure clever agreement platform because of some noticeably publicized events, while hackers controlled to crack a few clever contracts and scouse borrow six-parent sums. However, it’s essential to recognize that code vulnerabilities have nearly nothing to do with the platform itself. For example, the well-known DAO incident in 2015, while the wrongdoers controlled to borrow $50 million well worth of ETH, has occurred due to the fact builders of that unique clever agreement have not written a stable code. At the same time, Ethereum has usually been short to cope with any rising vulnerabilities in its code, proactively understanding token updates over the years.

Check out: What is Blockchain Advertising? Your Definitive Guide to Crypto Advertising Strategy

  • Polkadot:

Polkadot was created through Ethereum co-founder and Solidity writer Gavin Wood. It is extra of blockchain surroundings wherein numerous systems are related to every other, in place of a blockchain withinside the conventional sense.

The imperative thing of this machine is Relay Chain, that’s chargeable for the community interoperability of para chains and para threads. P Chains make Polkadot especially appealing, as they permit builders to create their blockchains with custom governance fashions and tokens. Most importantly, Polkadot makes use of para chains as shards. It allows never-seen-earlier scalability. This is because of the parallel processing of transactions.

Relay Chain – blockchain schematic

For example, Moonbeam is an Ethereum-well matched clever agreement platform that runs on Polkadot. Essentially, it lets builders install current Solidity-primarily based clever contracts and related Dapps to Moonbeam without predominant changes. Depending on blockchain use cases, such answers may be mainly beneficial for programs that are afflicted by Ethereum-local drawbacks like sluggish processing.

Polkadot has won traction with builders because it gives software program improvement kits (SDKs) and preconfigured templates, in addition to helping many famous programming languages which includes JavaScript.

  • Hyperledger Fabric:

Hyperledger became based through Linux Foundation in 2015, with 30 co-founding company participants which include enterprise giants like IBM, J.P. Morgan, Cisco, Intel, and others.

Hyperledger Fabric is a permission blockchain, implying that authentication is needed and individuals’ identities are known. This makes Hyperledger mainly appealing for organizations that cope with touchy records and want to conform with records safety legal guidelines just like the GDPR.

It’s well worth noting that Hyperledger Fabric became firstly created for agency use with trust, confidentiality, and protection being critical to its vision. The platform customers can create personal channels for unique community participants, which means that most effectively decided individuals can get entry to transaction records. The platform guarantees the best stage of agency cybersecurity by supplying an extra hardware-primarily based protection version for identification management.

Hyperledger’s unique function is that it has a modular architecture, so businesses can broaden answers for a big range of commercial use cases. Similar to Ethereum, Hyperledger gives a big range of tools, inclusive of Hyperledger Composer, that streamlines clever agreement introduction and deployment.


Given that blockchain and best settlement software improvement are tremendously new areas, there’s nonetheless an excessive diploma of uncertainty and confusion concerning them. This is why many groups pick out a clever settlement platform primarily based totally on its popularity and the adulthood of the developer community.

Here we have discussed What is the Top blockchain for smart contracts and how To use Them.

Read more: Making sense of bitcoin, blockchain, and cryptocurrency in detail

bitcoin, blockchain, and cryptocurrency

Making sense of bitcoin, blockchain, and cryptocurrency in detail

Nowadays, most people have become familiar with the terms like bitcoin, cryptocurrency, blockchain, etc., across the world. These components might appear to be significant to the individuals working with cryptocurrency-based platforms. Cryptocurrency-based transactions are more secure, safe, and convenient compared to other traditional transaction methods.

Besides, online gambling and betting have become an efficient revenue-generating source for businesses these days. To create such a gambling platform for your business, you should have a robust knowledge of crash game source code. You can look at here now for best bitcoin gambling scriptand develop your own crash game source code.

Now, let’s take a look at some efficient information regarding bitcoin, blockchain, and cryptocurrency. Besides, you can take the help of your experienced financial experts to get your concept cleared.

What is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is a specific medium of trading currency, just like the US dollar or Indian rupee. But, the most crucial thing is that bitcoin is a digital currency in nature, and it utilizes special encryption techniques to manage the creation of monetary units. It collects several binary data to verify the transfer of monetary funds also. So, you will have to exchange real currency to avail cryptocurrency and access cryptocurrency-based online goods or services.

As per a source, almost 10000 different cryptocurrencies are available in the trade market at present. Besides, the usage of cryptocurrencies is frequently increasing as it enhances the value of money through initial coin offerings (ICOs).

The main reasons behind the popularity of cryptocurrency

Some of the foremost reasons for which cryptocurrencies are becoming so popular in the trade market are as follows.

  • There is a hype that cryptocurrency might appear to be the future currency. Hence, people are rushing to buy them and collect several cryptocurrencies before it gets more valuable.
  • Cryptocurrency takes out central banks from controlling the supply of money when these banks will try to turn down the value of money through inflation.
  • Cryptocurrencies work with an advanced decentralized technology and recording system. Hence, they are more secure than other relevant payment options.
  • Cryptocurrencies have no interest rates in their long-term acceptance.

The legality of cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrencies are legal in almost every country across the world except China, as they banned their usage recently. Although, its legality depends on the rules and regulations of each country. However, always keep yourself focused on protecting yourself from fraudsters while purchasing cryptocurrencies.

Read more: Day Trading Cryptocurrency: Best Success Strategies

Are cryptocurrencies good for investment?

The value of cryptocurrency may go up, but it might not appear to be beneficial for many investors as it does not generate cash flow. Hence, if you want to profit from cryptocurrency, someone has to invest more in the currency than yours. Therefore, in terms of stability and cash flow, do not rely on cryptocurrencies for future benefits altogether.

What is bitcoin?

Bitcoin is the most popular type of cryptocurrency that made its appearance in the year 2009. There is no need for any middle man or banks to complete the bitcoin-based transactions. The use of bitcoins is available in various hotels for booking rooms, purchasing in shops, online crash gambling games, etc. The bitcoin price has become so high since 2017, and its trading reached the top peak from then.

Why should you prefer bitcoins?

Bitcoins can be utilized to purchase stock incognito. Furthermore, international transactions with bitcoins are convenient and cheap as bitcoins are not attached to any nation or dependent upon any guidelines. Small startup businesses might take bitcoin into action as there is no need to pay for credit card charges. On the other hand, some people purchase bitcoins as an investment by hoping that their value might accumulate in the future.

How can you buy bitcoin?

You can purchase or sell bitcoins through various marketplaces named “bitcoin exchanges”. The interesting fact is that people can buy bitcoins using different currencies with the help of these marketplaces.

Some crash game platforms are available in the market that offer their users a chance to win bitcoins. These gambling games are pretty compelling and popular all over the world. If you want to create such a crash game gambling script, look at here now for bitcoin gambling script.

What do you mean by Blockchain technology?

Blockchain technology refers to a decentralized, distributed ledger technology that keeps the record of the source of a digital asset. The most important thing is that due to its inherent design, it is impossible to modify the stored data of blockchain. Therefore, blockchain technology has become one of the most legitimate disruptors for the top-notch industries regarding payments, healthcare facilities, data confidentiality, and cybersecurity purposes. Cryptocurrency utilizes that blockchain technology to track and secure every transaction within its premises.

To understand its working method most simply, you can take the example of Google doc. When we prepare a document and share it with other people, the specific document gets distributed instead of being copied or transformed. Besides, it establishes a decentralized distribution chain that allows everyone to access the particular document at the same time.

Read more: What is Blockchain Advertising? Guide to Crypto Advertising Strategy

Types of blockchains

There are four types of blockchain available.

i) Public blockchains:

Public blockchains are basically open, decentralized networks of computers that are accessible to the individual waiting to initiate or validate a transaction. Besides, the persons who validate transactions earn several rewards. Bitcoin and Ethereum are the two common examples of public blockchains.

ii) Private blockchains:

Private blockchains are not open like public blockchains as they have a few access restrictions. If anyone wants to join a private blockchain, they will need permission from its system administrator. These blockchains are centralized and managed by a single entity.

iii) Hybrid blockchains:

Hybrid blockchains are also known as Consortiums, are an amalgamation of private and public blockchains. They include both centralized and decentralized features.

iv) Sidechains:

The blockchain that runs parallel to the main chain is defined as a sidechain. It helps users to transfer digital resources between two individual blockchains. Moreover, it enhances the scalability and efficacy of the digital assets also.


Hopefully, our article has helped you get sufficient knowledge regarding bitcoins, cryptocurrencies, and blockchain technology. If you want to create a crash gambling platform, look at here now for bitcoin gambling script. For further assistance, feel free to contact us.

Related: When is the Best Time to Invest in Bitcoin

BNB Chain

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? Let’s earn bnb coins by Super Compensation Plan.

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We are promise of a ROI paid from Monday to Saturday for 300%

?Referral Commission –

BNB Chain paying a 7%, 8%, 9%, 10% referral commission on funds invested by personally recruited affiliates as per packages .

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Affiliates are paid an 8%, 10%, 11%, 12% residual commission on funds generated on their weaker binary team side.

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When a member you have introduced earns Binary bonus you get a payment equal to 10% of their BINARY Bonus . When your personal introduced members introduce new members , you get 10% of their binary bonus and so on , in upto 4 Levels .
?  Invest at the Start-up = a 10% match of Binay bonus on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates)

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?  Invest at the Executive = a 10% match on level 1, 2, 3.

?  Invest at the Legend = a 10% match on level 1, 2, 3, 4.

?Reward Program?

?Silver –

Generate $10000 accumulated investment on both sides of your binary team ($10000/$10000). you will qualify 1% on $20000 for 6 months.

?Gold –

Generate $50000 accumulated investment on both sides of your binary team ($50000/$50000). you will qualify 1% on $100000 for 8 months.

?Platinum –

Generate $100000 accumulated investment on both sides of your binary team ($100000/$100000). you will qualify 1% on $200000 for 10 months.

?Diamond –

Generate 0.5 Million accumulated investment on both sides of your binary team (0.5M / 0.5M). you will qualify 1% on 1 million for 12 months.

?Double Diamond

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Generate 5 million accumulated investment on both sides of your binary team (5M / 5M). you will qualify 1% on 10 million for 18 months

?Note –

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?Re-invest pack after 300% received ( Excluding Reward )

?To your success
– – – – BNBChain- – – –

Website Details:






Rarible Clone

Rarible Clone : Create a Blockchain NFT Marketplace like Rarible and Mint Millions Soon

Have you heard of an online marketplace that has thousands of traders and processes millions of buy and sell orders in just a few months after its launch? Rarible is a modern NFT marketplace that sells various types of digital collectibles to both retail and institutional investors.

It is a highly secure platform as content creators and investors have 100% access to their funds always. Private keys safeguard all crypto assets.

Buyers can purchase high-value artwork, Decentralized Finance (DeFi) assets, domain names, gaming assets, memes, metaverses, music, and photos from the platform. Hence, entrepreneurs will know all the intricacies to create a blockchain NFT marketplace like Rarible.

Some statistics about the grand success of the Rarible NFT marketplace

  • 52,369 traders have registered – on the Rarible blockchain NFT marketplace so far. It has processed a whopping trading volume of $149.95 million as per DappRadar.
  • The Rarible NFT selling platform handles trades worth – $160,480 daily and $2.67 million every week.
  • It has sold 153,238 NFTs – so far with a trading volume of $108.05 million.
  • 1230 investors use the Rarible NFT marketplace – The platform has a positive cash balance of $3180. Additionally, it processes 2750 peer-to-peer transactions (P2P) every day.

Entrepreneurs aiming to make a splash into the trading of crypto collectibles can team up with an app development company. A customized Rarible clone script is created quickly. It contains user-friendly Android and iOS apps for artists and investors.

Moreover, an advanced admin dashboard helps in monitoring the day-to-day business operations efficiently. Additionally, a modern web panel helps in the smooth conducting of auctions for selling crypto collectibles to interested buyers.

Read more: Top NFT Marketing Agencies 2021

What are the various elements of the readily deployable Rarible Clone?

Create Collectible – Artists, designers, and photographers can create their own NFTs by clicking the “Create Collectible” option. Moreover, they can sell either single or multiple digital collectibles based on timed auctions.

Integrated digital wallets – The crypto assets of artists and investors are securely stored on different digital wallets. The Rarible clone supports popular wallets like Coinbase, MyEtherWallet, Fortmatic, Portis, Torus, WalletConnect, and WalletLink.

A detailed list of Top sellers – Buyers can enhance the value of their portfolio by purchasing NFTs listed by the Top sellers. The Rarible clone script categorizes the digital collectibles owned by the Top sellers daily, weekly, and monthly. 15 sellers are part of each list.

It includes details of the average price charged, links of their social media accounts, names of the artists, and website URL.

Live auctions – Investors are induced to buy multiple Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) sold on the Rarible clone through Live auctions. In reality, it consists of alien-themed NFTs, animated versions of dogs, CryptoPunks collections, Disco Biscuits, Herds of Bulls, and Mother Nature.

Hot collections – Is there anything better than this special feature? Hot collections sell the highly demanded crypto collectibles to prospective investors.

It consists of Beeple (Round 2 Edition and Special Edition), ERC-721 based artwork, ERC-721 NFTs (Axie, Hashmasks, Meebits, and Wrapped Cryptopunks), and ERC-1155 (Art Blocks, The Crypto Flamingo, Mani Grupa token, and Spiritual Gangsta).

Rarible Governance Token (RGT) – Buyers on the Rarible clone can purchase the RGT to get decision-making powers and voting rights. The Rarible governance token runs on the Ethereum-based smart contract.

Investors can store their RGTs in the MetaMask digital wallet (browser extension and mobile app). There are a total of 10 million Rarible Governance Tokens. Additionally, Airdrop programs offer free RARI tokens to buyers.

Investors can buy RGT from cryptocurrency exchanges like Bilaxy and Hoo. Buyers earn extra income through Marketplace Liquidity Mining. Equally important, buyers earn Rarible Governance Tokens for every purchase of NFT.

An integrated feedback system – Existing users of the Rarible clone script can share useful opinions and suggestions to entrepreneurs. Nevertheless, this helps in adding new features to the NFT marketplace like Rarible and boosts the overall trading experience.

An insightful Rarible Newsletter – NFT enthusiasts receive the informative Rarible Newsletter directly to their email addresses. Besides, it includes the latest updates about the launch of new artwork, market analysis, NFT project news, and other platform development alerts.

Other protection measures – Artists and content creators are completely safeguarded on the Rarible clone. They get protection against issues like copyright infringement, duplication, fraud, licensing, and violation of Intellectual Property.

Likewise, this ensures a high level of transparency as content developers retain 100% ownership of their work always.

Read more: How much does it Cost to Build an NFT marketplace?

What are the two types of NFTs sold on the Rarible clone script?

ERC-721 – It is an exclusive NFT standard issued on the Ethereum blockchain network in January 2018. Each crypto collectible sold on the Rarible clone contains a unique Token ID and a Token pair contract address.

The ERC-721 standard also contains separate functions for changing the total supply of tokens, knowing the token balance in an account, and transferring tokens from one account to another.

ERC-1155 – It is a multi-token standard built on the Ethereum blockchain network in June 2018. The Ethereum smart contract consists of a mix of Fungible tokens (FTs), Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), and Semi-Fungible Tokens (SFTs). All digital collectibles backed up by a token ID. It contains information about the unique attributes of the NFT, metadata, and total supply.

The ERC-1155 multi-token standard integrated with the Rarible clone script provides numerous benefits. Accordingly, buyers get advantages like an atomic swapping option, a decrease in transaction fees, easy transfer of multiple tokens simultaneously, and escrow protection.

The cost to create a Blockchain NFT like Rarible?

The total cost of Rarible clone script development depends on aspects like the choice of features, hourly charges paid to the blockchain and crypto developers, level of customization, the time taken for development, third-party API integration, and the type of tech stack.

Further, entrepreneurs have to bear more expenses for bug-fixing, maintenance, software updates, and technical support.

Wrapping Up

The Rarible NFT marketplace has performed impressively in 2021. It will aim to become a powerful Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) in the future. Subsequently, more buyers will receive control and governance rights to vote on the different decisions for the development of the online platform.

The technology startup is aggressively expanding its business operations after receiving a mind-boggling $1.75 million in funds from investors in February 2021.

Hence, entrepreneurs can make a big impact in the fast-rising world of crypto collectibles now. Nonetheless, they can get the tailor-made Rarible clone from a reputed app development company and be a trendsetter in the market soon.

Read more: 3 NFTs Worth Investing In Right Now

Stratton Oakmont Finance

Make Your First Million Dollars Fast with the World’s largest Decentralized Exchange – Stratton Oakmont Finance

“With e-currency based on cryptographic proof, without the need to trust a third party middleman, money can be secure and transactions effortless” – Satoshi Nakamoto

Blockchain is a key technology in the digital supply chain and cryptocurrency is an essential component of the same. The idea of making money online via such sources has become quite popular around the globe. Cryptocurrency is taking over the world and the majority of people are interested in achieving such financial freedom. For this purpose, you might have tried and tested several digital exchanges for trading in the crypto space but the quality of their services is almost the same.

Barriers, Barriers, Barriers! Be it Communication & Linguistics, Educational Literacy, or Finance – we have to admit that all of us have been through them and it is not leading us anywhere for good. Stratton Oakmont Finance is the largest decentralized exchange in history that is revolutionizing the whole scenario of crypto exchange. It aims at bridging all the gaps to fulfill the current and future requirements of the users presenting ultra-modern solutions to the problems. SOF finds its roots linked with stock brokerage and crypto trading, and exploiting them together makes it feasible for everyone to reach their maximum potential of monetary growth.

Relationship between Stratton Oakmont Finance and the Wolf of Wall Street

Stratton Oakmont Finance is 100% legitimate and legal in all the states of the world because it operates gently following all the rules and regulations. It blends well with the cultures and legislations of all the countries, supporting their departments. The idea of this decentralized exchange is inspired by the theme of “the Wolf of Wall Street” and the high intellectual strategies of Jordan Belfort as a stockbroker. The same bonus tips have been applied in SOF apart from the fact that this is 100% genuine, transparent, and scam-free. The results related to financial gains would be as promising as in the story.

No way for Scammers

Possible scams had given a catastrophic hit to the digital finance industry in the past. More or less, some individuals do not like to give it a try to every new exchange in the internet market. Therefore, it is made sure that Stratton Oakmont Finance is an entirely transparent and user-friendly platform. Although it is inspired by the worldwide famous stock brokerage story of Jordan Belfort, it focuses on how all the users can achieve that level of success by earning white money. It provides its users with the level of trust they deserve, effective strategic planning, and management.

Crypto guide for everyone

Following the ground reality that the poor would rather be entertained than educated, the approach of the rich is exactly the opposite. This is where Stratton Oakmont Finance joins the stream and educates its followers. FREE CRYPTO GUIDE is available in multiple languages throughout the world so everyone can get hands-on experience.

“Wise spending is a part of wise investment, and it’s never too late to start” – Rhonda Katz

Stratton Oakmont Finance takes trading and investments to a whole new level where all the authority is handed over to the user along with the proper guidelines. After getting the proper knowledge and skill of the field you know exactly how you can initiate your journey effectively by making the right decisions at the right time!

Customer is the king

Stratton Oakmont Finance sets its basis on the rule that traveling extra miles for its users is going to pay off. It is indeed worth it to invest in a platform that finds its scope beyond the constraints of countries and their political issues. If you’re planning to buy something using cryptocurrency that is banned in your state, Stratton Oakmont Finance provides the best alternative. This exchange operates in all the countries providing services in all their legal departments. Stratton Oakmont Finance is designed in a way that flies far beyond the banning culture. You can simply utilize it anywhere anytime.

Stratton Oakmont Finance offers mind-blowing features for its users like a transaction fee as minimum as you can imagine, secure investments, charity programs, free crypto guidance & awareness sessions, splendid liquidity, in-built wallet, live support, and its own SOF token to be utilized on the exchange. Moreover, the investors have got full control over their funds and trading decisions.

Privacy Protection at its best

Whether it is your personal information such as biodata, or related to investments – Stratton Oakmont Finance accepts the responsibility of keeping everything secure. All the investments of each user are safe. There are no chances of any data leaks. Each audited contract is properly encrypted and protected. Your data is not shared with 3rd parties as well.

What makes SOF tokens unique?

Particularly affiliated with Stratton Oakmont Finance, the SOF token is a BEP20 token that could be purchased using BNB. It has been created on a Binance Smart Chain by professionals in this field. It is readily used on the Stratton Oakmont Finance exchange irrespective of the location and laws. The best part about the SOF token is that it is portable and can be swapped with other cryptocurrencies that are readily available. Our Stratton Oakmont Finance services are required to protect cryptocurrency in the wallet as well. The balance in the crypto wallet is available all the time.


Asset building is not a matter of one day, rather; it is a product of a long journey of struggle paired up with smart decisions.

This concept does not exist anymore!!

Today, stock trading and the use of crypto exchanges such as Stratton Oakmont Finance have got enough popularity. The chances of making a massive amount overnight are always there, it just takes the right decision to transform your dreams into reality.

By all ways and means, Stratton Oakmont Finance is a reliable and trustworthy platform. It has shaken up the whole crypto space and Blockchain field with its high-end roadmap, blockchain concepts, and ecosystem of cooperative community.






Read more: The Best way to Lock Liquidity in the Crypto space

Crypto Advertising Strategy

What is Blockchain Advertising? Your Definitive Guide to Crypto Advertising Strategy

Blockchain advertising like any other digital advertising strategy leverages various mediums (such as social media, email, search engines, mobile apps, and websites) to promote the business or project through ads. It is a targeted, data-driven advertising strategy aimed at reaching consumers to generate brand awareness, drive traffic or boost token sales.

With blockchain advertising, your ads will appear on Google, YouTube, Twitter, media websites, and more. It also comes with a massive amount of data. You can track the performance of your campaigns in real-time, for example. In addition, you can learn about the demographics, interests, and habits of the people viewing and interacting with your ads.

Types of blockchain advertising for crypto companies

There are four types of blockchain advertising that your company can take advantage of:


With search advertising, you can promote your project or token sale on search engine platforms like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. While your blockchain ads can appear in search results, they can also display across Google partner network websites (sites approved to display ads created by Google). When you create ads for search, you target specific searches or keywords. For the best results, your business should target transactional keywords, which means the searcher wants to purchase something, like invest in new tokens or promising blockchain projects. 

If you’re looking to reach users in the earlier stages of the project, it’s more cost-effective to use other digital marketing strategies like SEO and content marketing to boost your organic rankings. You can also use digital or pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to create an immediate online presence in search results. Both PPC and SEO can serve as long-term goals for your project. At the beginning of your strategy, you won’t appear at the top of organic search results, but PPC can help your blockchain company establish an instant presence in high-value search results.

Display Advertising

When you advertise via display channels, you can incorporate compelling images and videos into your blockchain/crypto ads. Display advertising allows your ads to appear across affiliate websites, which can include YouTube. You can launch a display blockchain advertising campaign with search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. However, Google is the preferred choice for many crypto projects because its display ads appear on YouTube. So it enables your company to reach users/investors on both pivotal channels.

Other display advertising channels to consider include:

  • Crypto events (e.g. Consensus, Token Summit, Blockshow, Blockchain Conference)
  • Bounty campaigns (Announced through forums, Telegram groups/channels)
  • Display advertising direct (CoinMarketCap, Etherscan, CryptoCompare, ICObench, Bitcointalk etc). CoinMarketCap with over 200M monthly impressions and ranked in the top 300 sites, for instance, provide advertisers with significant reach to cryptocurrency enthusiasts directly.
  • Paid PR (e.g. Cointelegraph, Coindesk, Cryptonews, etc.)

Social Media Advertising

With social media, you can create text, image, and video ads. If you decide to use social media for promoting your company, try to build video or image ads, as these tend to perform better than text ads. Facebook has banned direct advertising of crypto projects on its site but you can get around this ban by hiring an authorized digital advertising agency. As for Twitter, you can use cost-per-follow (CPF) if you’re looking to earn more followers. Or, you can use cost-per-send (CPS) on LinkedIn if you want to reach passive candidates. Bitcointalk is another Bitcointalk is a highly respected platform offering auctioned advertising space for projects. On Bitcointalk, advertisers are charged either on the number of impressions or the duration of the campaign as stipulated in the Insertion Order (IO).

Influencer Marketing

Besides social media advertising, it is also necessary to partner with influencers on various social media networks to promote your project. Influencers carry immense value because they have the trust and respect of the crypto audience, which means they can recommend projects with success. The most popular crypto influencers are YouTube video influencers like Ian Balina, Doug Polk Crypto, Ivan On Tech, Boxmining, among others.

An influencer may have a flat-rate fee based on their number of followers or engagement rates on posts. Or, they may charge your business on the performance of your sponsored posts. Our advice is to work with influencers that charge based on post engagement. That’s because post engagement tends to provide a more accurate view of that influencer’s audience. Plus, you want users to interact with your sponsored post because that drives desired action (like landing page visits, posts shares, and likes, etc.).

Why use blockchain advertising for your fledgling company

Blockchain startups and companies use blockchain advertising for various reasons, including:

Reach target audience– With blockchain advertising, you’re reaching (and directing your ad spend) towards the people with actual interest in your project or company.

Gain measurable insights – Digital ad platforms (like Google Ads, Twitter Ads, LinkedIn Ads, etc) often monitor your campaigns for you. Just log into your account and view your data. This also provides the opportunity to improve ads if they are performing poorly.

Budget-friendly – Online digital advertising allows your business to create a budget so you don’t have to fulfill a specific budget requirement. Many blockchain advertising platforms also provide bidding models that allow all businesses to achieve excellent ad placements without bidding an obscene amount.

Instant results – As soon as you launch your blockchain paid campaigns, you can start receiving clicks, purchases, email sign-ups, and more. You can also track and associate each of these actions with your campaigns. With that kind of tracking, your company can easily see the impact of digital advertising on your business and its bottom line.

How does blockchain advertising work?

When you use blockchain digital advertising, you only pay when a user completes a desired action on your ad, such as clicking on the ad or viewing the ad. For example, you may launch an ad campaign with a cost-per-click (CPC) of $2.00. This means you’re willing to pay $2.00 for every click on your ad.

If you use a blockchain advertising agency like TokenMinds, you pay an upfront management fee, which covers the costs of developing and managing your ad strategy. You also set aside a designated ad spend, which is what you pay Google to deliver or show your ads. 

Lastly, blockchain advertising allows you to use advanced targeting methods to reach your target audience. Some of these targeting features include keywords targeting, interests targeting, demographics, and remarketing. 

In summary, blockchain advertising involves the following:

  • Create your goals 
  • Build your strategy
  • Set your budget
  • Choose your ad platforms
  • Acquire your ad creatives, like copy and media
  • Implement post-launch ad optimizations

What blockchain advertising metrics should you measure?

To get the best out of your blockchain advertising, you’ll want to measure the following metrics:

Click-through-rate: CTR is the percentage of people that clicked on your ad, compared to the percentage of people that saw your ad. A higher CTR generally indicates a more effective and relevant ad.

Reach: The number of people who sad your ad

Impressions: Impressions represent the number of times your ad got shown. Multiple views from the same person are also included. 

Clicks: The number of clicks on your ad

Cost-per-click (CPC): The amount you pay, on average, for someone to click on your ad. Platforms like Google Ads will always calculate this metric for you.

Cost-per-acquisition: CPA is your average cost for acquiring a new customer. It is calculated by dividing your total ad campaign costs by the number of conversions for earning a new client.

Conversions: This represents the number of goal completions generated from your ads such as an email sign-up or token purchase. When you create an ad, you will set your conversion.

Cost-per-thousand impressions: CPM is the amount you pay for 1000 views or impressions of your ad.

Blockchain digital advertising bidding models

In the online advertising world, blockchain companies can take advantage of the four most common bidding models:

Cost-per-click (CPC): With CPC, you only pay if someone clicks your ad. CPC model is available for Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM): CPM is best for building brand awareness for established companies but it’s not cost-effective for early-stage startups. A view doesn’t translate to the kind of actions you want, like token purchases. However, it is important to note that in blockchain/cryptocurrency advertising, CPM buying is still the most common practice since it is more cost-effective and straightforward compared to the other models. 

Cost-per-lead (CPL): With CPL, your business pays every time your ad generates a new lead. CPL works best for B2B (business-to-business) marketing, though it’s important to set your ad to target high quality leads. CPL is offered by Google Ads, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.

Cost-per-action (CPA): CPA means you only pay when a user completes a desired action. This action includes a variety of conversions, from signing up an email whitelist to purchasing tokens during IEO fundraising. 

Need help with advertising your blockchain/crypto project?

Even though blockchain advertising offers immense opportunity, it’s not easy to launch and maintain a successful campaign. It’s time-consuming too. That’s why many blockchain companies and crypto projects partner with agencies that specialize in online blockchain advertising, like TokenMinds. With over 10 years of advertising experience, we drive results for your campaigns.

Related Post: 10 Interesting Facts Everyone Must Know About Blockchain Technology